Retiree Chapter Information

Adirondack - Adirondack Area Educational Retirees
- Daryl Marcy
Secretary - Christine Adsit
Treasurer - David Adsit
RC8 Reps - Howard LaFave, Lorna DeSantis 

  • Dues: $10.00
  • Meetings:  The first Wednesday of May, July, September and November.  Held at various area restaurants.
  • Scholarships: Two Senior Awards, one to Adirondack and one to South Lewis
  • Thirty Six awards to elementary schools at Adirondack and South Lewis. Six to each elementary school in each district.
  • Six Barnes and Noble gift cards to the Middle schools in each district, 3 to SL and 3 to Adirondack.
  • Backpacks and school supplies for the needy to Mathew's Place
  • Gift baskets to Shut-ins baskets at Christmas.

Canastota CREW:
Co-Presidents - Howard Astrachan, Nancy Fradenburg
Secretary - Janet Fisher
Treasurer - Gail Strong
RC8 Reps - Barbara Woodarek 

  • Dues: $10.00
  • Meetings: Fall and Spring
  • Winter Luncheon with Canastota and VVS
  • Donations to assorted groups including American Cancer society and local Dollars for Scholars

Clinton RTA
President - Alan Pollack
Vice-President - Monica Mosher
Secretary/Treasurer - Jean Cook
Sunshine Committee - Kathy Weingartner, JoAnn Blaszczak
RC8 Reps - Kathy Foote, Kathy Moran

  • Dues: $25 - includes $5 RC8 dues
  • Monthly meetings on 3rd Monday of month @ 9:00 AM @Breakfast At Tiffany's in Kirkland
  • Scholarships: FUTURE EDUCATOR AWARD - The Clinton Retired Teachers Association provides a CRTA Award to a graduating senior who plans on entering the field of education, and, STUDENT OF CHARACTER AWARD established in 2019 and is given to a graduating senior who exhibits high character traits..

Oneida Retired Educators Association (OREA)

President – Jean Martin
Treasurer - Zoe Hicks
Secretary - Cindy Zifcock
Newsletter - Ken Infarinato
Health Consortium Rep - Kathy Wojciechowski
Student Teacher Grants - Theresa Phillips
RC8 Reps - Keri Cartwright Cox, Jim Fiaco
OTA Rep - Pat Albaugh

  • Dues: $20/yr. - $5 of that goes to RC*
  • Activities: Not Back To School Luncheons, Fall and Spring Luncheon, Student Teacher Grants, Contributions to Backpack program and Communitys, Teacher Appreciation goodies for active teachers.
  • Steering Committee meets every 6-8 weeks at Fireside Cafe. All retirees are welcome..
  • Scholarship:  We give Student Teacher Grants in Fall and Spring

Oriskany Retiree’s Organization (ORO)

2021-2022 Officers & Meetings


RC8 Challenge

Are you looking for ways to involve your local retirees and make them more aware of what goes on at RC8 meetings?  Challenge them to join in on the fun!

The Oriskany "RC8 Challenge" program was inspired by retired Oriskany Elementary School principal, and faithful RC8 participant, Norma Harter.  Norma asked for one retiree volunteer per month to attend an RC8 meeting with her.  Since the beginning of the Challenge 3 years ago, the Oriskany retirees who have attended have gained a better understanding of the purpose and function of the RC8 Steering Committee.

What do you have to lose?  Just ask, and you may find that one of your local retirees will accompany you to the next meeting.  Oriskany has found it helpful to pass around a sign-up sheet for all RC8 meetings for the upcoming year, and to send a monthly reminder and a copy of the meeting agenda to that month's volunteer.

Although Norma Harter passed away on July 17, 2012, we can keep her vision of improving retiree communication alive through the "RC8 Challenge".  She would love that.  Thanks, Norma! 

Holland Patent Retired Teachers' Association
President - Carol Parzych
Vice President - Pam Donovan
Recording Secretary/Sunshine - Jeannine Grossman
Corresponding Secretary - Anne Lapham
Treasurer - Claudette Johnson
Newsletter Editor - Rose Hosp
RC8 - Carol Zaleski, Claudette Johnson
Insurance Committee - Jeanne Sanderi-Owen, Donna Grems
Social Co-Chairperson - Carol Zaleski. Charlene Castelletti, Cynthia Killian
Educational Grant Chair - Carol Zaleski
Representatives to HPTA - Adele Reilly, Pam Donovan 

  • Meet the 3rd Thursday of the month, September - May (not in December) usually at the NYSUT office
  • Social events/luncheons are about 5x/year, at various restaurants
  • Dues: $15.00, includes the $5 participation fee. 
  • HPRTA offers $100 Educational Grants to in-service HPTA members to be used to help defray out-of-pocket educational expenses that the school district will not provide.  Usually two grants are awarded yearly.
  • Sponsor an annual scholarship (James A. Warden Memorial Scholarship) to a graduating senior who is entering the field of education
  • HPRTA often makes donations or takes up collections for local charities, such as the Foothills Rural Community Ministry (Holland Patent). 
  • HPRTA annually supports Strides Against Breast Cancer by selling raffle tickets and donating a gift basket.

    New Hartford Retirees – Part of NHTA

    President – Jamie McNair
    Contact Person – Lois Muniente

    • Dues: $15.00
    • Meet on the first Tuesday of the month October through June
    • Column written by a retiree appears in the NHTA Chalkboard
    • All other communication by e-mail
    • Outreach: collect food for area food pantries
    • Mike Corn Scholarship

    Remsen Retired Teachers Association (RRTA)
    President – Jan Corn
    Secretary/Treasurer - Pat Robinson
    RC8 Reps - Jan Corn  

    • Dues: $15.00
    • 9:30 breakfast the first Thursday of the month at The Lifted Cup, Rt. 12 Barneveld
    • Outreach: 1 College Scholarship; RTA support; keeping retirees informed; socialization; communication

    Rome Retired Teachers - Part of RTA

    Please click here to access RTA Retiree Representatives and Alternates.

    • Dues are $23.00 plus $5.00 for RC 8 members under the age of 75 and $15.00 plus $5.00 for RC 8 members 75 years or older. 
    • Meetings are held at least twice a year as announced.  Our first gathering was at the Franklin for lunch on 11/13 to meet the new Superintendent of the Rome City School District.
    • The Rome Teacher's Association office is currently located at is now located at 1721 Black River Blvd., L-4, Rome NY 13440.  Our new phone number is 315-533-5784.  The new email address for the Rome Teacher Center is
    • The President of the Association is Christina Steurrys, V.P. is Julie Ramos, Secretary is Jarrad Buttenschon, and Treasurer is Josette Canrarelli.  The new members of the RTA Executive Committee are AJ Spado, Larry Heldman, and Micke Scerra. 
    • The goal of the retirees is to reach out to encourage everyone to maintain membership with the RTA.  Those who have lost contact with us are asked to call or email so that we can reestablish communications. 
    • RTA Retirees continue to be active in the community through volunteer events such as the annual Heart Run and Walk, bell ringing during the Holidays, donating and wrapping gifts for the RTA Children’s Fund, fundraising for the Cancer Society and lending a hand when we are needed.  Stay in touch!

    Utica Retired Teachers Association (RUTA) 
    President - Al Sherline
    Vice President - Janice Okey
    Secretary/Treasurer - Diane Waskiewicz
    RC8 Reps - Marytheresa Bulutis, Al Cohen 

    • Dues: $15.00
    • Meetings: two, one in Fall and one in Spring
    • Missions: To give grants to Utica Teachers; to host pre-retirememt workshops; to provide books to tutor programs; to work with UTA on scholarships; to work with UTA on special projects and events; to keep retirees abreast of all topics that pertain to us; to provide social events to encourage camaraderie

    Vernon-Verona-Sherrill Retired Teachers Association (VVSRTA)
    President – open
    Secretary/Treasurer – Barbara Dam
    Newsletter Editor – Julie Healy
    Communications – Bill Boyd
    Board of Directors – Sis Merrill, Ken Drake
    RC8 Reps - Ken Drake, Stephen Hauprich 

    • Dues: $10.00
    • Meeting(s): 
    • Mission: Donations to local food banks in the VVS District in November 
    • Scholarships: Award two $500 scholarships to students going into education

    Whitesboro RTA
    Co-Chairs – Nancy Clarke, Carole Gehrig
    Secretary – Donna Bell
    Treasurer – Nancy Clarke
    Newsletter Editor -
    RC8 Reps - Carole Gehrig, Helen Chomin 

    • Dues: $12.00

    Whitesboro Retired Teachers Association Meeting Schedule:
    Location: Breakfast at Tiffany's Restaurant, 40 Seneca Turnpike, Clinton, NY Phone 315-853-8093 at 11:30 to 1:30 on 2nd Wednesday in September, December, March and June . 
    Contact: Carole Gehrig (315-525-1654), Helen Chomin (315-725-0315)